John 10:28 NKJV - ""And I give them eternal
life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My
1 Timothy 4:1 NKJV -
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from
the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons"
When did the Lord Christ give the eternal life to a
believer? Matthew 19:16, just like Mother Theresa, we must leave our country,
relatives and friends, and sell out our possession and give it to the poor and
follow the Lord. That means the
believer, who does the gospel service to the destitute and the wretched one by
keeping his faith on the things above will get the eternal life by the Lord.
This much only, but, the one, who desire the pomp and pleasures of the world
and worldly positions one side and who desires the heaven in another side will
not give the eternal life. So, Paul says
that there is a chance to futile such people in their faith as in the 1Timothy
4:1. The one, who had the faith, sacrificial love and hope in the Lord Christ
in their life follows the doctrine of the Lord, will not fall in their faith.
How many people will get the eternal life in the Christianity, which spread all
over the world today? The answer to this question is very difficult. Refer Luke
3:11. Such people have the worth to enter in the eternal life.
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